Thursday 9 May 2013

New Adventures in Wifi/Lost in Translation

Well almost another international incident created. When recalling my adventures in the swimming pool this morning, the wonderful Di, said she hoped I was not in my 'budgie smuggler's'. I had no idea what she was talking about until they explained this was the Aussie word for Speedos. Thereafter followed some humorous banter that probably fell short of the standards expected at a premier nee leading global asset manager.
Roll forward 2 hours and our very own Jill 'let me tell you a story' Shaw returned from another positive session and started logging into her pc. Being hitec the office is fully wifid and unknown to Jill her old keyboard had been set up for me. So as Jill is trying to update on her pc, I am trying to remember the hysterical budgie reference but couldn't recall the phrase. So as I google 'budgie smotherer' in a 6th Sense moment, Google morphs up on her screen with the phrase 'budgie smotherer' appearing letter by letter. It's not often that Jill is lost for words, but I did witness it. Was totally affronted but was rescued by the others as to my reasons. Bizarrely 2 minutes earlier I had been looking for an article on Thomson Reuters about Finland's additional requirements for KIIDs that came out yesterday. I fear explaining 'Finnish KIIDs' may have been a more difficult explanation.
Please don't let me be misunderstood.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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